hurm nak start dengan bulan ape ye?
august la..
august 2010..
nothing much tp its the ramadhan month..everyone is so busy with ramadhan n raya's preparation!well this year's raya is not that fun..terutamanye on hari raya itself..boring okay..tahun ni sangat lah xde hala tuju..the night before raya i bawak la ayin pergi beli all the barang raya..we went to giant carrefour pasar mini keramat dll..da dpt sume brg i balik la ape lg..da ngntok tido tido and tido..hehehe..
on the raya morning x bwt ape ape pon..i was the first guest in ika's home..there i see ika angah abang abg.baim papa n mak..along abg.sham n reef x smpai lg..
then in the noon to baby's home..there is ibu baby alang mirul then came along along kakyati n zara..
makan makan makan layan hindustan ayin went to kubur arwah anep..da setahun lebih da arwah xde..
petang to wangsa walk tgk movie with baby mirul cicak kimie watched resident was best!n amazing..lepas tuh balik then kul 10 mcm tuh igt nak teman cicak tgk step up sume tempat penuh as in wangsa walk pavilion klcc..end up we went to changkat with jep!
lepak till 3 in the morning and then we went to suzi's corner..makan n balik starts to work on the 2nd day of raya..poor baby..
starts from 2nd day of raya the people i hangout with is fathul(along) chapeq(angah) azmir(bcik) cai(syahir) n aleya remains aleya..everynite we're having our own sweet time of shisha..
ouuhh ouhhh ouhhhh..during raya MAR texted me by saying hye!
hurmm..i was was a long silent since the last time he has talked to me..n i feel so surprise n the feeling has come back ALIVE!i dunno y the hell i can still talk to him nicely after wat he had did..hurmm..sayang kot!tp i sayang my baby more la of corse!
and now i have started training with standard chartered bank!altho im still figuring out y the hell im in the banking industries!aaaaaaaaa its okie..i have to move on..